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Light blue

Chronological & Political Information

Enclaved, originally Ouranos Britannia was an human male whose life began in tornment til his upbringing in the guard in both Lordaeron and Stormwind. He's been through many conflicts such as the Third War, and the war against the Burning Legion, Iron Horde and much more. Since the fall of Lordaeron, he has continously served Stormwind as a dedicated gaurd and infantry soldier against the Alliance's enemies.


Early Child-Young Adulthood[]

Enclaved, born as Ouranos Britannia was an human male child within the Britannia family in a distant land. Born within a war-ravaged area, he grew up in a hostile environment. As the only child his mother died during childbirth with his father raising him, but was mistreated during earily childhood develop, being thrown into combat and fighting at a early age. He was trained and been beatened til he turned 7 where he was conscripted into some militia. As he entered the militia, he was not alone as many children were forced into this regime against their will. During many training exercises, it was all extremed and harm, with many children being left for dead. Not wanting to be where the wounded children are, he rose to become one of the top 5 conscripted children and was placed into the more practical by the time he was 17.

When he was 20, his group was sacking a village where they began to steal and destroy property. Enclaved thought about it and began to question his actions, for the first time he defied against his conscriptors and his father and lead an revolt against his superiors for the mistreatment and the agony of others. The internal struggle soon held the attention of the kingdom of Lordaeron. The Lordaeron military soon stepped in and began to assist the villages and brought much stablization in the area, and the defeat of the people he was raised and abused by. After the conflict, he was bought up to king Terenas Menethil II and was granted permissioned to join Lordaeron's military might.

Soldier of Lordaeron[]



Trivia & Notes[]
